As far as cuckservatives go, Rick Wilson has been a bonafide cuck since the moment the hashtag got off the ground. I mean how impotently angry do you have to be to start demanding Breitbart fire their editors just because they were mean to you on twitter? One look at Little-Dick-Rick and the idea that balding comes from excess testosterone goes right out the window. Rick has made no effort to hide his desperation- he knows that if the Trumpenkreig succeeds, then everything he’s built for himself as a “strategist” and “consultant” goes out the window, as suddenly an entire paradigm pushes him out of existence.

It’s no surprise then, that with the next round of Republican debates coming up in less than three hours, Wilson is on Politico, desperately pleading with GOP candidates to stop Trump. Now, normally TRD gives a snarky writeup of these sorts of shitty pieces, but we’ve taken it upon ourselves to riff on his whole shitty case for attacking Trump. It’s almost debate time, TRD staff has prepping to do that doesn’t involve bulls, as foreign as Wilson might find that. Anyway, let’s get down to business:

1. Of course you have to attack him. One of the dumb, but cherished tropes of this campaign, especially after Rick Perry’s exit from the race, is that to attack Donald Trump invites instant decline and doom in the polls. While correlation and causation are the kind of low-class, stupid arguments only people who didn’t go to Wharton make, Trump and his enablers certainly encourage this among his credulous followers (and more than a few conventional wisdom-loving process-story journalists) who believe any attack on the godhead is doomed to rebound.

Unfortunately, Rick fails to notice that in this case, there IS a clear causation: attacking Trump usually means exposing a candidate as a cucked Diet Pepsi version of a Democrat. And not in terms of fiscal policy, either. Why would republican voters respect someone who wants to flood the country with even more wetbacks and thinks there’s nothing wrong with that?

With the scenery-chewing, oxygen-sucking political black hole that is Donald Trump, I have one question for the “don’t attack” camp; how’s that working out for you?

Given how Ted Cruz and Ben Carson and all the others who aren’t attacking are doing fairly well compared to Perry, Jindal, Graham and especially Jeb!, it’s actually working out fine.

Inaction lets the media dynamic continue; “But he’s interesting! But he says crazy stuff! But he calls our shows! Oh, your tax plan is boring…let’s talk about Trump’s camo hat!” Trump’s commands attention. His position in the polls is directly correlated to the amount of attention (the insane, overwhelming, wall-to-wall) he receives and unless the attacks are persistent and ongoing, he’ll keep the hungry cameras on him.

So… Maybe find a way to bring the cameras on yourself? How hard is it to be genuinely interesting, engaging, and charismatic? Trump brings ratings to the media. If you don’t bring them ratings, why would they give you air time instead of Trump?

2. Better late than never. I was wrong when I predicted your campaigns would go at him sooner, more aggressively, and with more determination. I underestimated your combination of passivity, consultant inertia, and insane hubris. You underestimated how the Trump-Rube-Media symbiosis would ensure his continued presence in the game.

So Rick acknowledges that  most of the GOP candidates (who he calls “some of best and most qualified candidates in the last twenty-five years”) are a bunch of spineless, gutless pussies? Perhaps, they might even be compared to someone, who, say, lets his wife take dindu donkey dong up the doody-hole? Hmm…

I know you’re waking up, slowly. With the exception of you, Ted Cruz, who appears to be playing the role of political pilot fish to Trump’s Great White (the classiest of sharks; really, really, tremendous predator), most candidates have run a few hit-it-and-quit-it attacks, then fallen victim to the showman’s juvenile put-down machine more suited to an 8th grade locker room than a presidential candidate.

Two things here: One, calling Trump the “Great White” is amazing. Two, it’s pretty common knowledge in leftist circles that the average public has an 8th grade level of comprehension anyway when it comes to politics, with 6th for the hispanics and maybe 2nd grade at best for the blacks.

It’s clear now why many of you didn’t attack with persistence. You’re used to an oppo drop, an ad and then standing back. You just couldn’t process that the American people could be this fooled, for this long by such an obvious con. You tuned up to beat Hillary—and maybe Jeb along the way. But we go to war against the disruptive, postmodern, blowhard candidate we have, not the one we want. Get on it.

“Hey, ignore the scandal-proof elderly bulldyke and the commie jew fuck marching towards the White House, focus on the evil white man who is galvanizing populist support among white Americans!”

Are we entirely SURE Wilson is a gentile?

3. Go after his money and his business record. Attack where he is perceived to be strongest. Here’s what the media knows and has largely let slide; Donald Trump is not worth $10 billion.He’s not worth $5 billion. It’s fundamental to his brand image, his own (monstrous) ego needs, and the Trumpentariat’s love of him as the rich dude on the horse, unable to be corrupted by Washington’s venal blandishments.

Does it matter how much money he has? Clearly it’s more than enough to fund an entire presidential campaign.

On stage—tonight and in future debates—remind him he got his money the really old-fashioned way: from Daddy. Remind him that, for all his smack-talk about the Chinese, when he did business with them in the 1990s they beat him like a government mule and left him with almost nothing from the deal.

Someone remind Wilson that no one gives a flying fuck about China, the problem is with Mexico. Contrary to what Jeb says, no one is worried about chinese people becoming a supermajority and voting for more and more gibsmedat.

How have you guys never once asked him about his ties to the mob? I know, right? A guy in the casino business in Atlantic City in the 1980s and 1990s and with big Manhattan construction projects, pre-Giuliani? Go read Wayne Barrett or Tim O’Brien’s books, or at least have your oppo guys do it.

Yes, go ahead and start some shit with the mob, because that totally worked out great for the Kennedys…

He fumbled the bankruptcy question the first time. That’s a hint for you. Come on…his companies filed bankruptcy twice for his casinos. Casinos, which are scientifically designed to take voters in his core demo and part them from their money, and this guy can’t make the payments? This line of attack should a slow pitch over the plate for any of you candidates.

I wonder if Rick Wilson knows that running casinos requires more than just red skin, crippling alcoholism, and a perpetual chip on your shoulder about how whitey kicked your ass hundreds of years ago.

If you, your strategists or your oppo people can’t understand the value of calling his B.S. on his money and making him break the celebrity character he plays on TV, please leave the race now.

How about just leave the race now in general? Makes stuff easier for Trump.

4. Laugh off his attacks. Stupid tropes like “low-energy” and “loser” and “you asked me for a donation” tell you this is a grown-up schoolyard bully and putdown artist. As Adam Gopnik’s piece this week illustrated, Trump’s colossal ego is at once his armor and also a dead weight around his neck. Bullies hate ridicule as much than they hate someone who punches back. Carly Fiorina showed the way this week with a perfectly tuned rejoinder to Trump’s attacks on her appearance.

Again, two things: First, Rick is expecting a stage of hardcore narcissists and megalomaniacs to laugh off insults. Second, evidently no one has told him that Carly Fiorina was invited to the debate as an extended practical joke.

Tell me you wouldn’t pay money to hear someone say, “Donald, that’s really all I expect of you. This is a country in serious trouble and in desperate need of serious leadership, and all you’ve got it put downs about Carly’s looks or my energy level? Why don’t you go sit in the corner while the grownups talk?”

TRD staff would gladly pay to watch someone try. The stuttering and shaking would be hilarious. The GOP candidates so far are entirely spineless, freaking out when their precious worldview is shattered.

Don’t be afraid to throw your head back in laughter to the point where you get asked why, and reply, “This guy? President? You’re f-ing kidding me, right?” You want a headline from the debate? There you go.


5. You can’t shame him, so mock him. Trump’s narcissism renders him immune to shame for his lies, flip-flops, pandering, inconsistencies, elisions and general lack of substance. Enabled by 40 years of being carried in the sedan chair, praised along the way by an army of toadies and jocksniffers who would make the average courtier to Louis XIV blush, he’s accustomed to his minions telling him that his farts smell of daffodils and spring rain. Insult his vanity, not his record.

And Jeb is used to his minions telling him that his wife doesn’t look like a tranny oompa-loompa, Fiorina is used to her minions telling her that she’s a successful tech CEO, and Lindsay Graham is used to his staffers/rentboys telling him that no, this doesn’t make him gay at all as long as they’re wearing a dress.

He cannot be shamed on policy, partly because he doesn’t remember what he said from one day to the next. He lives in the immediate moment, with no brakes on his internal monologue, no retrospection and no future accountability for his words. Don’t try. He won’t process it, and his supporters are locked in the Trump Reality Distortion Field.

So wait, Jeb Bush gives a speech entirely in Spanish and TRUMP is the one who doesn’t know any shame?

6. Don’t indulge his filibustering, lying and showmanship. Don’t be afraid to have an “I paid for this microphone” moment with him. Again, like any bully, he’s great when he’s on offense and he’s great when it looks like you’ll let him stand there and kick your ass up and down the stage. Somewhere between 50 percent and 400 percent of the words that come out of his pie hole are lies, exaggerations, fantasies or mis-remembered quotes from emails with “FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD:” in the header. Interrupt him. Work the refs. Correct his lies.

Was Rick Wilson “that kid” in high school who interrupted everyone with an “um, actually…” with some bullshit spergy correction? Does he not realize this inevitably ends with “that kid” alone at home alone on prom night sobbing into a bottle of Smirnoff Vanilla he stole from his parents?

7.This is now reality television, not Lincoln-Douglas. Sure, you want to be president, not an entertainer, and with Jake Tapper and Hugh Hewitt it on the panel, you’ll get points for being a smart, knowledgeable and grounded in the issues. But if the Summer of Trump taught you nothing, realize that this year’s electoral Coliseum is filled with a rabid horde, screaming for amusement and blood. Be in the debate you’re actually in, not the one in your head.

Dropping the jokes for a moment, it’s absolutely astounding how Trump has managed to force the rest of the field to play by his rules and operate within his framework if they want to beat him. He’s already won, simply by nature of having forced them into his world.

Come to the stage with some confidence, some swagger and some belief in the fight, but remember: It’s a mistake to simply fall back on your own talking points or your own stump speech. Be serious, but realistic about the media circus. Don’t expect that your policy proposals in this debate will get a lick of coverage. Don’t come in hoping to educate voters on your tax plan, your labor relations plan, your defense strategy or anything substantive. Neither the voters nor the media care. A huge fraction of the press is solely interested in the process story of the Trump Show.

Replace “Trump” with “Obama” and this would have been great advice EIGHT FUCKING YEARS AGO WHEN IT WAS NEEDED YOU DUMB SACK OF SHIT.

8. Think hard about how much you suck up to Donald Trump in this debate. I’m looking straight at you Ted Cruz, indulging Trump and praising him. That’s just feeding the alligator and hoping you’ll get eaten last. Bubbles collapse, be they tulips, 1990s dot-com stocks, late 2000s real estate investment derivatives or billionaire loudmouth jackholes. When the Trump fall comes, the vortex is going to suck in his enablers and sycophants. And you know that purge the Trump Army is dreaming of with their #cuckservative #NRORevolt #RINO #WAR? Yeah, we make lists, too.

A message from our editor: Come get some, faggot.

9. Stop worrying about the edge cases of the Trump demo. Are you worried about alienating the Trump demo? Want to be their new hero when he implodes? Well, stop. You will never be Trump. You will never light up those dark corners in their limbic system with the fear and loathing of The Other he inspires. They are worshiping Donald Trump like a cult leader, not a political leader. You can’t bring them home until he is destroyed. You won’t win them over by moral suasion, policy, politics, arguments about electability or ideology.

Keep in mind that the “Trump Demo” is working/middle-class whites. This is what a “GOP Strategist” thinks about white people. Feel free to either laugh, cry, or maybe ALLAHU ACKBAR your local chamber of commerce (just kidding, don’t do that last one).

10. Don’t try to outbid Trump’s version of crazy. You can’t out-crazy him on anything. Nothing you do will be as fabulous, as world-class, as elite, and as terrific as Trump’s fantasies. He can always up the ante. If you want to build a 60-foot wall he’ll want to build a 90-foot wall. If you say you’ll deport 11 million people too, he’ll go up to 30 million. If you say you want to eliminate the 14th Amendment birthright citizens protections, he’ll want to undo it retroactively back through generations. If you say you want to arrest illegal alien criminals and deport them, he’ll propose armies of robot wolves to hunt them on pay-per-view. You can’t outbid him on this, and if I have to tell you why you shouldn’t try you should not be in this race.

“DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE ADMIT THAT TRUMP HAS A POINT, DO NOT GIVE HIS IDEAS OR OPINIONS LEGITIMACY, DO NOT TALK ABOUT DOING ANYTHING BAD TO THE ILLEGALS EVER.” Ovens and Helicopter Rides are too nice for Wilson’s crew at this point, these people need to be made into fucking lampshades and soap.

11. Your targets aren’t his targets. You can keep making the case to the rest of the GOP electorate that he’s not a conservative. Remember, you’re not selling his voters; you’re selling Republican conservatives. Part of Trumpisma is convincing his supporters to embrace his frankly statist and redistributionist policies with the fervor of the converted. You’re not preaching to them. Target the still-large fraction of the GOP who oppose Trump and are higher-propensity voters. Target women, who are less susceptible to the Trump Spell. You’ll need them soon enough.

This final quote highlights the insanity of Wilson’s rambles. For years, the GOP has been pushing “outreach” and emphasized on converting others into conservatism. Now Trump is doing just that, reclaiming alienated whites and even blacks, getting them on board the GOP train. Wilson calls Trump’s plans “statist” and “redistributionist” but sees no harm with importing hordes of third-world garbage who will vote for even more extreme versions of just that.

In conclusion, Rick Wilson is a cuck. Perhaps one of the top cucks. He rants and raves and rambles like an idiot, unaware of what’s going on around him. He is either oblivious to the slow destruction of his country and his people, or even worse, complicit in it. Either way, if America is to succeed, it will have to be in spite of Rick Wilson’s efforts, not due to them.


Oh, and in totally unrelated news Mike Anissimov had another meltdown but that’s REALLY not worth the effort covering at this point.


It’s hard to find a larger source of insufferable shitlib retardation than DailyKos. This blogging platform, arguably the ur-tumblr, hosts such wonderful blogs like “The Halfrican Fortress of Negritude” which sounds like a thread title on MPC. It also hosts Shawn King, the second public transracial activist known to western civilization, and Margaret Pless, internet tough girl who desperately wishes hotwheels would recognize her as his greatest enemy. So in conclusion, you could arguably oven every single person who uses the site and the world would be a much better place.

But recently, an interesting pattern has occurred. For whatever reasons, leftists are picking up on what’s going on with Trump much, MUCH better than “conservatives”. Perhaps they think that suddenly their years of paranoid fever dreams are finally coming true and Americans are starting to realize that the giant spiked horse dildo being rammed up their butt is not exactly in their best interest.  One can assume that while they get what Trump is doing and what he’s pushing, they expect a Trump presidency to end with San Francisco’s Castro District being firebombed and a brigade of angry redheads storming Manhattan screaming “DIE FAGGOTS DIE”. (Ed.- I will be perfectly happy to lead this brigade if Chuck C. Johnson pussies out.) To them, Trumpenkreig is not just an edgy joke, but the frightening possibility that when Trump is sworn in, it will be on a copy of Mein Kampf by newly-appointed Supreme Court Chief Justice David Duke, with an inaugural address that ends with weev returning to our country with an army of killbots that will use 23 And Me data to wipe out the Jews once and for all.

And that brings us to one DailyKos post by the prestigious writer known as “Mr. Anon”. One can only assume by his username that this is a brave man who wears his guy fawkes mask to really take the fight to the oppressive oligarchy, and restore the power to the people! Clearly he’s not anon because of people discovering that he’s actually a well-off SWPL and not worth listening to, but out of the need to protect himself from evil corporate assassins! But regardless, Mr Anon gives us this little blog piece: “Donald Trump and Neoreaction: Why what he represents must be buried permanently.” To his credit, Mr. Anon recognizes that neoreaction is one word, which right off the bat makes him smarter than PZ Meyers. He also doesn’t mince words and makes it clear that Trump must not just be stopped, but measures must be taken to prevent another Trump. He’s dropped all pretense and has gone into “SHUT IT DOWN” mode.

The article begins by stating that Trump’s candidacy “is ultimately destructive for the American body politic and the political spectrum” and how he represents “an ideology that should be considered the antithesis to modern progressive ideas.” First off, if that idea doesn’t get you rock hard, you’re probably reading the wrong blog. You would probably have a better time of things over at NRO, maybe see if Kevin D. Williamson will invite you to one of his standard fuckparties.

The article goes on to insinuate that Trump is a not a “”nationalist economic populist” as some would call him, but in fact a bonafide neoreactionary. Of course, this is where the more informed NRx types can apply some heavy skepticisim to the writer’s claims. The idea that Donald Trump of all people sat down and read Unqualified Reservations (beyond the Formalist Manifesto) and decided that he’d still run for president is laughable. I could see him maybe reading the first few paragraphs of the Gentle Introduction before getting bored. How Dawkins got Pwned wouldn’t even stand a chance. Trump is a high-energy guy, and let’s face it- outside of perhaps Duck The Almighty, neoreaction is a fairly low-energy, cerebral movement.

Of course, Mr. Anon contradicts himself by saying that no, Trump isn’t actually a real neoreactionary. He then proceeds to contradict his contradiction (Ed.- Is this the fabled LAWGIC TRAP I keep hearing about?) by stating that Trump clearly is a neoreactionary because other neoreactionaries like him. His evidence for this lies in the fact that Trump has been endorsed by an “‘intellectual leader’ in the neoreactionary movement. Supposedly that “intellectual leader” is none other than one Michael Anissimov. Perhaps Mr. Anon is out of the loop, but it’s inexcusable to believe that Anissimov is the intellectual leader of anything other than the metaphysics of hardcore bareback mexican tranny-dom fisting. Perhaps sounding like a valley girl who inhaled one whole tank of helium through the mouth and another in the ass might pass as intellectual among the left, but we on the right have stricter standards- for us you need to either sound like a habitual chainsmoker or a muppet.

Likewise, Mr. Anon commits one of the most grave sins: He assumes PUA/Redpill philosophy is a part of NRx. It’s not clear how one can assume sexual hedonism would fly in a movement built on historic social mores, but liberals seem to love to associate the two anyway. It’s a commonly accepted fact that entry into NRx requires eventually abandoning the debauched and degenerate pursuit of normie 3DPD and taking the more passive option of finding a pure 2D waifu. Waifuism is among the pillars of revolting against the modern world, and indeed riding the catgirl is just as important as riding the tiger.

Mr. Anon concludes his article with the most laughable portion, telling the left to double-down on Obama-ism in order to defeat Trump: “If Trump says something that sounds cool on healthcare, we must make sure our candidates respond by pushing to improve and expand the ACA.” This is the progressive strategy in 2016: militantly defending the status quo.

And in that sense, neoreaction is winning. Suddenly, the overton window has shifted, as the left is now the one standing atop history yelling “PLEASE DON’T THROW ME OUT OF A HELICOPTER”. They’ve gone from pushing the dildo farther up our butts to instead desperately trying to keep it from being pulled out. Trump’s immigration policy is literally reactionary- rather than stop progress, it seeks to actively undo it. True, Trump may be a bit liberal and progressive on other ends, but it is impossible for NRx to deny that even the dumbest of proles is flocking to an elite, upper-class strongman who can un-fuck America. Trump has proven that putting the church of Dildolech on full blast is now a profitable, successful strategy for campaigning.

Will Trump help usher in the Silicon Reich and help the editor’s dream of shoving (((Barbara Spectre))) into an oven come true? Only time will tell. Will Mr. Anon’s posts still be faggy regardless of insight? Most certainly.


Today I picked up my copy of The Week. Much to my pleasant surprise, Matt K. Lewis’s limpout about the cuckservative trend on the Daily Beast was part of the Week’s featured columns. That means that an article which directly linked to TRD had now been republished (albeit in abbreviated form) in print media. Granted, my name or my blog at all doesn’t show up, but I like to think of it as a minor victory. Meanwhile, The Week is the first publication that I know of to actually print the word “cuckservative” and to me that’s the REAL victory.

But that’s not the real story here. The real story is that MattyB’s piece was picked up by Salon. Now, it’s still standard TRD policy that Salon should not in any way profit off of our work and that all Salon writers (Barring @Salondotcom) need to be repeatedly shot and thrown into an oven, so I’ll link to an archived version of it here.

So this is where I get to say it: I fucking told you so. Let’s go back to my previous article. I have a few quotes I wanna share:

“The main criticism of cuckservatives is that they try their hardest to appeal to liberals by saying ‘LOOK HOW OPEN-MINDED AND TOLERANT WE ARE, WE’RE NOT EVIL RACISTS, WE SWEAR!'”

“So when people call you out as a cuck who capitulates to liberals on every issue, your decision is to go running away to the Daily fucking Beast?”

“Read the comments, do you see a single person sympathetic to you or your cause? Is anyone going to suddenly start voting GOP because of your article on the Daily Beast? Of course not! They hate you. They hate you and everything you stand for.”

Okay, sure, I didn’t directly predict that liberals would smell blood in doormat’s pathetic little capitulation and try to capitalize on it, but it was heavily implied. The Salon piece condescendingly recognizes Lewis for calling out racists who support Trump, then demanding he also turn his attention to Scott Walker, who is somehow equally racist, citing some politically incorrect e-mails. The goal is so transparently simple that I doubt they’d deny it- they want to purge the GOP of anything that might be considered pro-white. They want to make it abundantly clear that any pro-white group will have zero political power or influence. It’s the No Platform policy I talked about on TRV earlier.

In essence, the response to “cuckservative” has proved the term entirely accurate. The cucks targeted immediately denounced it as a racist term and prostrated themselves before the liberals, hoping to win their approval. Instead, sensing weakness, the liberals pounced and simply used it as an opportunity to make even more excessive demands from the cucks. It’s like poetry, it rhymes.

This is a short article. There’s not a lot of jokes in it. That’s because there is no joke I could tell that could possibly be funnier than everything we’ve all been saying since the start of this cuckservative mess being proven true in perfect form. So have a good laugh, friends. We’ve all earned it today.



First and foremost, I’m glad that you linked me directly. I always appreciate the traffic, even if it’s from people I don’t respect. And make no mistake, I don’t respect you. Why should I respect you? What worth or value do you have that I should respect you? What credentials do you have? What have you accomplished? Why should I think of you as my superior? You worked with presidential candidates? That’s great, they all lost.

Let me tell you why I don’t respect you. It mostly has to do with this little picture here:


This is TRD’s stats. As you can see, I was mostly inactive throughout July. When I decided to take a dump on your little buddy Erick Erickson, my traffic boomed. Of the hundreds of hits I got, my main source for traffic was TheRightStuff.biz and MyPostingCareer, where I shilled my work fairly hard. The next day, I get a lot of traffic from TRS and Reddit, where someone shared my work on /r/DarkEnlightenment. After that, there’s a bit of a drop-off, where I get linked by Xenosystems but that’s about it. It’s not until the 26th were traffic starts booming and I hit the thousands. That traffic comes from one Milo Yiannopoulos of Breitbart, who linked me on twitter. I respect Milo more than you, and I literally said that he takes black dick up his ass. Why? Because unlike you, Milo has actual power and influence. The fact that 3,000+ people visit my site when Milo links me as opposed to fifty or so when you do pretty much sums up who I should respect more.

But let’s look past that and get back into the whole “cuckservative” thing, shall we? You originally helped make things big when you signal-boosted your buddy Erick’s bitching and kvetching about the term. Now, you did it on the Daily Caller, which as far as right-wing sites go, isn’t bad, but not what I’d call A-list. It’s mostly a beltway conservative type, very much a staunch neocon GOP outlet. So it makes sense for you to decry the “cuckservative” meme there, since it’s part of the system under attack. Of course, since the neocons have such little online presence, you pretty much got raped in the comment section by TRS. Hell, I was part of the rape gang until you banned me. Sadly, you never did answer my question, and your moderator instead dismissed my points as “evil.”. He also insinuated that the attacks on my family are somehow my fault, really classy.

But this is what boggles my mind, and why quite frankly, I really can’t respect you in the slightest regardless of traffic. The main criticism of cuckservatives is that they try their hardest to appeal to liberals by saying “LOOK HOW OPEN-MINDED AND TOLERANT WE ARE, WE’RE NOT EVIL RACISTS, WE SWEAR!” Of course, liberals hate white, male Americans and want nothing more than to tear down this great nation that we built. And please, don’t try to pretend that blacks and women built America, I don’t see any reference to them in the Declaration of Independence, and the original Constitution draft has them as only 3/5ths of a person, which to be honest is fairly generous.

So when people call you out as a cuck who capitulates to liberals on every issue, your decision is to go running away to the Daily fucking Beast? Seriously? Right now, your article directly links to a piece by “Samantha” Allen, a tranny who got laughed out of writing for video games before #GamerGate was even a thing. The Daily Beast also loves to feature work by Arthur Chu, an obese asian nerd who talks about literally conditioning his mind to refuse empathizing or even humoring right-wing talking points. These are you you choose to make your company with. These are the people you want to write with.

Tell me, Mr. Lewis, what do you think about trannies? Do you think Bruce Jenner should be called Caitlyn and he deserves the award he got? Do you think that gays should be allowed to marry freely as well? Do you support small children learning about gays and trannies in grade school? Do you think a gay relationship is equal to a straight relationship? What about abortion, do you think it’s moral and good? The Daily Beast sure does. Tell me, who do you think poses more of a threat against Christian voters: a dedicated group of white supremacist trolls, many of who are also practicing Catholics, Baptists, and Orthodox Christians and would probably agree with evangelicals on a number of the above issues, or a site of secular, pro-sin, pro-sodomy, pro-Islam, pro-abortion leftists who want to see evangelical Christians effectively shut out from power?

You called the people pushing the cuckservative meme “evil”. But are we truly as evil as the anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-American liberals who make up the comment section of the Daily Beast? Read the comments, do you see a single person sympathetic to you or your cause? Is anyone going to suddenly start voting GOP because of your article on the Daily Beast? Of course not! They hate you. They hate you and everything you stand for. So tell me, who’s the greater evil here?

This is why Milo Yiannopoulos has a larger following than you. You see, Milo actually adopts a policy that’s popular among people like me: It’s called “no enemies to the right.” The root idea is that even if racists might not be nice people and you don’t like them, letting the racists into your camp and accepting their support is going to be a lot better for everyone than letting liberals take power and rape western civilization in even more depraved ways. Why do you think #GamerGate did more to hurt the liberal media than anything the GOP has ever done? Because #GamerGate didn’t waste time with a bunch of moral posturing when the media tried to bring up the strong WS/WN influence in the movement. We just said “Yeah, they’re here, we don’t necessarily agree with them but we really don’t give a fuck.” And guess what? #GamerGate has won, for all intents and purposes. Gawker is dying. Leigh Alexander’s career is in flames. Zoe Quinn’s name is now incredibly toxic for the gaming community. Anita Sarkeesian is even less relevant and welcome in gaming than she was before. We did more for conservatism and the right than you ever have.

To be honest, Matt, I don’t know what to do with you. I want to tell you that you should spend some time talking to these “evil white supremacists” in good faith and listen to their arguments. But it seems like you already did that. You looked at TheRightStuff’s post, with all of the data and information, and simply discarded it and ignored it and set out on your way. Maybe you could talk to a Christian who’s anti-cuckservative, like Vox Day. I know a guy on reddit, a rather staunch Orthodox who’d also love to engage with you. Hell, if you want to chat with me for whatever reason, I could probably arrange something formal with TRS, also hook you up with someone from there instead. Or if you want, you can come find me and my crew in the MyPostingCareer chat. I doubt you’ll really have a good-faith discussion there, but you’ll be a lot more free to use all the dirty words you want to describe us.

But the best I can tell you is to fucking show some real courage. You don’t have to embrace us. But stop pandering to liberals. Don’t write for their sites, don’t vigorously attack anyone to your right, stop throwing a temper tantrum because Donald Trump is more popular than your chosen boy and instead maybe learn from it. Get your fucking shit together. Do you want a democrat in the white house or not?

And on a final note, I’m signing this with my real name. Not out of trust, because I fully expect some Daily Beast clown to look me up and try to start some shit (good luck with that, I’m pretty hard to dox) but instead out of spite. I want you to know that you’re so beneath me that I don’t even need to bother with aliases or security measures. You’re not a threat to me. You’re too broken and cucked to try something. I can call you a spineless, gutless faggot all I want and you won’t retaliate. That’s why we’re going to win this. The public is looking at people like me running roughshod over people like you and are seeing that we’re stronger and more willing to fight for our America than you are. No one wants some fat faggot with a tiny chola wife giving an interview in Spanish. They want a strong, masculine man who actually turns things around and puts the reporters on full blast. So bend over and get ready, because unless you want to sack up, things are going to get worse for you.


Dante Christopher D’Andrea.


So I’ll come right out and say it- TheRightDrama is officially endorsing Donald Trump in the 2016 Presidental Elections. While the previous stance on elections has been the NRx position of “voting is for fags”, the editorial board of TRD has looked at Trump’s statements and adequately determined that he is enough of a shitlord bigot douchemaster whose election would trigger enough faggy liberals and even more faggy cuckservatives.

In fact, speaking of cuckservatives, it seems that they’re finally waking up to the fact that their own base is sick and tired of them. More recently, they’ve finally picked up on what a cuckservative is. It started with a piece by Radix, whose very existence triggers the shit out the mainstream right. Radix’s Alfred W. Clark did an excellent writeup on it, (he missed the part where it was invented by a bunch of gay racist bodybuilders and cob building enthusiasts, but nobody’s perfect) and D-list cuckservative Erick Erickson, who in any sane world would be barred from writing for any respectable outlet until he changed his stupid fucking name, discovered the piece and proceeded to get hella butthurt about it.

Now, this isn’t the first time a “conservative” has been put in the hot-seat by alt-right twitter. Notorious Brietbart Bottom-Boy Milo Yanniapolous (fuck your greek name, I’ll spell it right when they fix their economy) was called out by Duck himself, along with the marginally less obviously homosexual Mike Cernovich. When called out for their rejection of ideas to the right of them, both simply politely stated that the ideas weren’t for them and didn’t bother with any moral signaling or soapboxing. That’s why, despite literally taking black dicks up his ass, Milo is not a cuckservative. Likewise, despite putting his dick up Thai ladyboy ass, Mike Cernovich is also not a cuckservative (and is even putting the cuckservatives on full blast right now!). Normally the less vitriolic “Conservakin” will do just fine here.

But E.E. Cum-In-My-Ass, didn’t do any of that. His response? “Remember, if you hear the term ‘cuckservative,’ it is a slur against Christian voters coined by white-supremacists.” It’s almost like there’s a happy merchant with his hand right up ErickSon-Isn’t-Mine’s ass. Throw in a few “Oy vey, Goyim!”s and it would sound like a /pol/ hoax. Where do you even begin with this retarded shit? My personal favorite is the idea that it’s a slur against Christian voters. Because let’s be honest, if keeping a government run by the people whose ancestors KILLED CHRIST HIMSELF is “Christian” then fuck it, maybe Varg was wrong about the church burnings being unproductive. Apparently, opening the borders to a bunch of drug dealers and rapists is also the Christian thing to do. Because you know, a homicidal death cult/drug cartel is perfectly welcome if they use just enough Catholic iconography!

But the real thing that cements the Erick-hai Chieftain as a bon-a-fide, true-blue, wife-takes-dindu-donkey-dong-in-the-doodyhole Cuckservative is how he uses “white supremacist” as an epithet. Regardless of your issues with WS methodology and ideas, to demonize them is just stupid. And as much as TRD has shat on Genophilia and friends, that little band of retards is much more useful and worthwhile than any backstabbing racially-blind ignoramus. Liberals do not throw people to the left of them under the bus. Bernie Sanders is an openly socialist Jew who still somehow thinks that #BlackLivesMatter (protip: they don’t) and Hillary Clinton isn’t trying to run him out of town for being too radical. In fact, her response is to go even further to the left. Meanwhile when THE DONALD talks about actually enforcing immigration law and boarding up the border, “conservatives” immediately lose their mind. When people on the alt-right talk about conservatives being cucked, it’s because they’re so mentally and emotionally enslaved to Martin Luther King Jr.’s communism and Abraham Lincoln’s progressivism that they can’t actually develop principles and real standards. They’re letting liberals just viciously gang-rape conservatism right on top of the pinball table, then wondering why no one respects them and they can barely win elections.

No real conservative can honestly say with pride that his First Lady is a 4’7″ chola named “Columbia”. Liberals may be shameless enough to have no problem with a tranny gorilla representing the country abroad, but Conservatives are supposed to be the party of actual standards and morals. But instead, with the cuckservatives leading the charge, they take it because fuck, what else are they supposed to do? Endorse a scary racist? God forbid one of them take office, they might actually have a set of moral values that they try to keep America committed to! And we all know that’s not what conservatism is really about- it’s about tax breaks on all the rich businessmen who donate and throwing tons of money at Israel, maybe bombing a few brown people if they’re scared of being shoah’d. Morality? Decency? Nah, better to let open sodomites into our party so we can show that Democrats are the REAL bigots!

So yeah, fuck the cuckservatives. Trump 2016.



In what drama experts are calling “totally unprecedented” Mike Anissimov’s impotent ragestorm has entered it’s third day of incessant internet insanity. Having thorougly made an ass out of himself going after SOBL1, Anissimov has since turned his sights to new targets. The first target is Julie Borowski, a Polish-American girl who makes political youtube videos. Mike, in a fit of hysteria, considered her to be his pure white waifu. He proceeded to spam her twitter with marraige proposals, dating requests, death threats to her current boyfriend, and a desire to cuddle up and play Sonic 3 with her.

There are a number of things that can be deduced from this. First off, Borowski is an active libertarian. So we can clearly guess that Anissimov isn’t quite the traditionalist that he says he is. Second, and more importantly, Mike explicitly said Sonic 3. In the day and age of emulation or eBay, there really is no reason to be playing Sonic 3 when the superior Sonic 3 and Knuckles is easily available. So we now know for a fact that since Mike thinks Sonic 3 is better than S3&K, he does not actually have autism. Thus, if Mike doesn’t have autism, we must instead conclude that instead he’s just a fucking idiot.

Mike’s rage didn’t stop there, however. Noted twitter thirst-trap “Tipsycaek” reached out to Mike, offering to stroke his golden locks of hair. Anissimov, however, rejected her, and later dismissed her as a common whore. TRD officials researched this Tipsycaek character and were disappointed to discover that she does not in fact possess a penis. However, this revelation combined with her whiteness (natural blond hair and blue eyes!) very much shows that she’s not Mike’s kind of girl. Until Bad Dragon makes strap-on products, we can most likely confirm that there will not be any chemistry between the two.

Of course, Tipsycaek’s friend, twitter user and noted AC repairman/quality NRx poster “KawaiiKraken” happened to comment that Mike looks like the bassist for a 90’s alt-rock band. Clearly, this was an insult of the highest degree- Mike obviously fashions himself as a lead singer, or at least a guitarist. (Editor’s note- if evidence can be found of Anissimov being in a band, I’m sure Chuck C. Johnson will pay for a demo or mixtape or whatever.) Incensed beyond relief, Mikey went on the warpath, making several graphic threats to murder KawaiiKraken for the crime of insulting his honor. The sheer nonsensical verbosity of the threats informs us that Mike has most likely never been in a fight in his entire life, much less one where he had to kill a man.

As Mike’s rage burned bright, our Holy Duck Overlord stepped in, pointing out that Mike was acting like an absolute lunatic and took some potshots at his shattered sanity. Mike’s response was to claim that he was the leader of NRx and could easily drive Duck off of twitter. At this point it would be pertient to remind everyone that Duck is the spiritual leader of Neoreaction, with Nick B. Steves as our current regent. Anissimov has been formally decried and excommunicated from Neoreaction for being a huge cunt that nobody likes. TRD experts are not sure what he’s smoking to think that he somehow has the power to end someone’s twitter career. TRD experts are also quite interested in how many mexican dicks he had to suck to get so many doses.

Of course, as all of this drama went on, it wasn’t long before the Grand High Dragon Wizard of Drama, Andrew “weev” Aurenheimer. Never one to pass on someone whose power level wasn’t at least 1488, weev took to storify (a remarkably pozzed medium, all things considered) to slap Anissimov across the face with his big white hyperborean cock in a display of masculine superiority that Justine Tunney and most of /aristoi/ will undoubtedly be furiously masturbating to later tonight. To rub salt in the wound, weev proceeded to post Mike’s address and phone number on the MPC shoutbox and 8chan’s /cow/. Using seven proxies, TRD researchers had found that this information had also spread to /baphomet/. While this may lead people to believe that Anissimov would be swatted, his current twitter posts leave plenty of reason to call the police. Using Anissimov’s dox, a crack team of google users quickly discovered a photograph of his humble abode. The house would be described by real estate experts as a “fucking dump”.

When asked via ask.fm about the doxing, former Neoreactionary and noted weaboo AntiDem questioned weev’s right-wing credentials. TRD staff has hired a crack team of #GamerGate private eyes who have confirmed that yes, Anissimov and AntiDem are good friends IRL. Also of note is twitter user “TheBechtloff” reaching out to Anissimov and encouraging him to apologize. Anissimov’s response amounted to dismissal. Bechtloff is an associate of Davis Aurini and a writer for “Reaxxion”, a #GamerGate cash-in site run by notorious pseudo-reactionary Roosh Vashamalayanstein. TRD’s mental health experts have determined that Mike rejecting Bechtloff’s helping hand is a sign that he still possesses SOME mental faculties, such as self-respect. Roosh himself has also commented on the meltdown, but reporters are still scouring the globe looking for anyone of note who gives a fuck what Roosh thinks.

Anissimov has yet to be directly reached for comment, due to blocking TRD officials on twitter, and Pleasureman failing to properly take them out of chaperone mode on MPC before Anissimov could leave the shoutbox. His last known comment there consisted of him saying he’d be going to get a shower, not responding to allegations that it was of the golden variety.


As we all know, Mike Anissimov’s crippling addiction to mexican ladyboy hookers has lead to him having to officially pull the plug on MoreRight. However, when twitter user “SOBL1” made the fairly innocent suggestion that Mike gets a real fucking job, little Mikey decided enough was enough. Tapping into his central-California shitlib roots, Anissimov threw one of the most hilarious temper tantrums in recent memory. It almost feels insulting to the dindus of Baltimore to call it a chimpout, so the experts of MyPostingCareer are calling it a “limpout”, which is certainly suitable given the limp-wrist rage of Anissimov.

Anissimov’s first method of self-defense is to act like SOBL went over the line by insinuating Anissimov is gay. Because you know, that’s not a shitlib style of arguing at all or anything. Realizing that he’s arguing like a woman, Anissimov immediately tries to save face and prove his manhood by resorting to the “personal attack me one more time I fucking own a gun” argument. This falls flat because in his threat, Mikey admits that he doesn’t even have a gun in the fucking threat, saying instead that he’ll get a gun. Here is a number of reasons why Mike is obviously bluffing:

  1. Getting a gun would require leaving the house and going somewhere other than the dildo store or bathhouse.
  2. Getting a gun would also require money that you didn’t already spend on dragon dildos, ladyboy hookers and HIV medication.
  3. Getting a gun requires that you don’t live in fucking San Francisco, there probably aren’t even any down low black dudes you could suck off behind a 7-11 or Denny’s to get a cheap glock or hi-point.
  4. Firing a gun requires actual wrist strength that I highly doubt a San Francisco native possesses.

Rather than realize that he looks like a massive fucking idiot, Anissimov presses the attack, saying he’ll hunt down SOBL1. Mike then proceeds to talk out of his ass, with the most insane internet tough-guy posturing I’ve seen in months. In hopes that Mike will just shut up before he gives himself a heart attack, SOBL1 gave an apology which amounted to “I’m sorry you’re a faggot.” In a demonstration of what’s always on his mind, Mike proceeded to refer to this as “blowing him off.” His impotent limp-wristed tantrum continued until he realized that SOBL1 was ignoring him.

In hopes that he might see reason, the High Chieftain of Orcbrand tried to get Mike to calm his tits. Anissimov’s response was pure ego-posturing, and a series of rambles about “MUH BOOK”. He seems to be operating under the millenial delusion that producing ideological tracts is somehow equivalent to getting a fucking job. He caps off his rant by saying that SOBL1 will never be an “intellectual great”. I thought most intellectual greats didn’t spend hours pissing and moaning over someone calling them a faggot on twitter, but maybe Anissimov is a subscriber to the PZ Meyers school of thought? I’m pretty sure most intellectual greats don’t threaten to shoot a man over an internet argument, though.

Other gems in his meltdown include his insistence that it’s his lack of anonymity that makes him such a popular target, rather than his unwarranted self-importance. He also refers to “white-collar faggots casually talking shit” without the slightest bit of irony. You’d think someone as narcissistic as he is would own at lease one mirror.

SOBL1 generally declined to comment beyond saying that the whole situation was pretty laughable. He then went on to troll Cathy Reisenwitz because he just doesn’t give a fuck. And in the end, that’s what makes him the real hero in all of this.


Only months after assuming the throne as the official leader of NRx, Mike Anissimov has been formally ousted by Nick “Bonaparte” Steves, who has used his new position to formally excommunicate Anissimov from Neoreaction. Citing Anissimov’s poor treatment of the dearly departed Bryce Laliberte, Nick I has formally severed all ties with Anissimov and is urging other Neoreactionaries to do the same.

Anissimov had always been one of the more troubled members of Neoreaction. He is predominately known for his petty online arguments. He also ran some site called MoreRight which was supposed to be a spinoff of LessWrong, with the twist being that no one actually ever visited it. Highlights of his posting history include his spat with /duck/, his spat with Nick Land, his spat with #Orcbrand and his spat with MyPostingCareer. While his ability to rustle shitlib jimmies was above average, he simply could not abandon his vicious desire to attack what should be his allies. Anissimov’s downfall will be remembered (if at all) as one of hubris, his ego being stretched much like his asshole following the sheer anal apocalypse that was perpetuated upon him following his attempted assault on MPC. Rumors of a government-in-exile in Idaho are flying around, but TRD staff have yet to find anyone in Idaho with a functioning Internet connection.

Immediate expectations from Nick I is a long-awaited normalization of relations with #Orcbrand and MPC. More discussion is probably going on in one of those Jackal Hours but no TRD writer can manage to stay awake long enough for one of those.


I only keep TRV to a schedule, this runs on a “fuck you, whenever I feel like it” timeframe.


When a group of hardline autists from /aristoi/ dug up his posting history, Bryce decided that the only sane response would be to delete fucking everything and quit blogging forever. Of course, there’s an infinitely better course of handling things: address the issue with the poise and grace of an intellectual, ignore and dismiss it all together like an adult, or take a hiatus like a student. Yet somehow, in light of all of this, Bryce HAD to pick the most childish option. It’s actually quite disappointing- despite writing like a fag, he still was a talented and insightful writer. Still, he has no one to blame for all of this but his own lack of resolve. No matter what /aristoi/ did, Bryce failed to demonstrate any neoreactionary principles. For shame Bryce, for shame.


If it weren’t for my general disdain for forums, I’d probably be a user on MPC. It seems to combine two of my favorite interests: triggering/mocking shitlibs and admiring big, muscular men. Hell, their mockery of the rest of the alt-right is pretty scathing and spot-on: most of it is too nerdy and up its own ass with LARPy bullshit. Sadly, Pleasureman himself isn’t immune to that, as the feud with Mike Annisimov has shown. What started as MPC taking the piss out of Annisimov has devolved into a full-on autistic slapfight, both sides sperging out so hard you’d think that you were on an anime forum. Meanwhile shitlibs are still being shitlibs, and some of the top triggermen are arguing over pointless LARPy bullshit. It’s embarrassing and fixes nothing. Knock it off, remember “no enemies to the right” and get back to reminding liberals that they belong in the ovens.


So American Renaissance was a thing, and it continued to be a watered-down circlejerk of old farts signaling how right-wing they are without coming up with any new ideas or profound insights. As if to drive the point home, Matt Forney and some kebab manlet from Return of Kings showed up to hawk their shitty merchandise. First off, what the fuck was a kebab doing at American Renaissance? Are there ANY standards left? Second, can we just admit that “buy my book” has become the right-wing version of “download my mixtape”? Anyway, so these two did nothing of value until the after party where Forney’s kebab buddy was physically removed from a bar after shoving a woman. He claimed that the woman was rejecting him despite her being too fat and ugly to get anything better than him. So to put this in perspective: a kebab manlet who only got into the conference because of his fat friend went to a bar in Tennessee for the afterparty of a white nationalist conference and tried to hit on a girl there before becoming violent after she rejected him. Honestly, I’m disappointed he wasn’t strung up from a tree for being such a sleazy piece of shit.